Seed Welcomes Lily!

Maisie Franklin

Maisie Franklin

March 13, 2023

2 mins read

We recently caught up with Lily, who is our newest  Seedling to see how she was getting on. Lily joined the team in March 2023 in the PPC team.

About Me 

Hi, my name is Lily and I am the new Trainee Junior PPC Executive at Seed. I have  recently completed my Digital Marketing apprenticeship and am excited to start my new adventure here at Seed!

Outside of work you can find that I will be constantly on the move either playing netball here in Brighton, going to the gym, meeting up with friends or chasing my two dogs Reggie & Rowdy across the fields! I’am obsessed with anything relating to Harry Potter and will never say no to cake 😋

Life Before Seed

After A levels I decided to give Uni a go, so enrolled in a foundation course in Art & Design in Epsom where I was having the most amazing time but then COVID hit…… After being told that we have  to stay at home I finished the course but decided not to go back. 

This led me to be a Groom for a yard where I realised working outside in the winter was not the one and decided to get back into the creative field (and the warm!) 

This is when I started my Digital Marketing Apprenticeship for a small jewellery business in Hove, I was able to gain lots of experience in this field and knew this is what I was supposed to be doing. Fast forward 1 year and 8 months there I am now at Seed! Excited to start my new adventure. 

What am I excited about with Seed

I’m excited to get started with the training program where I will be working with lots of team members and getting to know them and pod life!
I love the work culture here and how everyone helps everyone no matter how big or small the question is and look forward to learning from the best !

Looking for Marketing Support?

If you are looking for a digital marketing agency to help you with your advertising, get in touch today!